White Backgrounds

This week in class we had to take pictures with white backgrounds. In order to do this we had to adjust the ISO, and shutter speed to make the backgrounds have no shadows. Another challenge with this assignment was to make the background white as well as having good lighting on the person’s face.  Everything else on the project were simple fixes such as the distance from the background and angle of the lights. This is one of my favorites because the background looks infinite. The bottom one is me taken by Ella.

This is the link to the rest of the photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/C2vQXEW9zispiTaP2

Black Background Portraits


Last week during class our assignment was to take pictures of our classmates with black backgrounds. This is one of my favorite favorites of my friend.  The lighting is coming through the bottom of the picture making everything else stand out. In order to get the correct lighting you need to use the ISO and right shutter speed. This was edited in Adobe Photoshop, where we could adjust the curves of black and light.  One challenge of this assignment was getting the light in the right spot so the photo wasn’t to light or dark. This is the link to the rest of the photos taken. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qr12p9pCKh9OXJtd2

This is a photo of me taken by Mia using the same editing application.

Online App Review BeFunky Reese Owens

The online photo editing app I used was BeFunky. It includes settings like graphics, texts, textures, and overlay. They also have a huge range of filters to choose from. The text includes many different fonts to go with your theme. There is also, brightness, contrast, highlights, and shadows which you can control. I like this app because you can control how much you put a certain setting. Secondly, there is a lot of filters to choose from. https://www.befunky.com/  These are some of the pictures I edited on BeFunky. 

App Review VSCO Reese Owens


My favorite photo and editing app is VSCO. VSCO is a photography app that allows you to take and edit 3 second videos and pictures. Other users of the app can favorite and republish the pictures you take. VSCO includes 9 different filters. There is also many options of exposure, clarity, saturation, highlights, shadows, and temperature. This app is my favorite because there is lots of freedom and options to make the picture what you want.