Last project

For this project we had to show how we growed as a photographer.So we had to show what a bad picture looks like and what a good picture looks like. This semester I’ve grown a lot as a photographer. My thoughts are defiantly different towards photography than they were before. I also changed the way I take pictures I take them from different angles now. My favorite project this semester was light graffiti because it was cool what you could make just with light.I’m not really interested in a career in photography.

Bad photo                                                     Good photo

7 days

i’m thankful for friends because it made school tolerable for me.I also enjoy a lot of laughs with them.

I’m thankful for the school soccer team because it let me skip 8th period when we had away games.the coach also let me score in the last home game against Hallie wells.

I’m thankful for the turf because if we didn’t have it we would have to play on the grass  for P.E. I’m especially thankful for it when it was soccer season because if we didn’t have it we would’ve had to play on rough grass.

My dog is a year and a half and we got him last year in December he was my Christmas present .He was a rescue dog from my moms friends adoption agency.

Ms.Philips is my favorite teacher in middle school .She made 7th grade tolerable for that year.She also gives me a lot of food when I go to her class.

Fortnite has been my favorite game over the past few months.If fortnite wasn’t a thing I would be pretty bored because I never get tired of this game.It’s also really fun to play with my friends.

I’m thankful for soccer because with out it I would be really bored. It also opened up a lot of opportunity’s for me and hopefully I can get a scholarship and go d1.

Action Photos

For this project we had to take a picture of someone doing something, or an action photo. For this project it helps to take the picture looking up so it looks like someone is jumping higher. If you want to take a lot of photos I recommend using burst more on your phone to take a lot of pictures at once.I would want to take pictures of a soccer game.

Up close

For this project we weren’t allowed to zoom in on objects while on macro this allowed us to get these great picture up close.It was really hard trying to take pictures of moving objects. It was also hard finding the right objects to take a picture of.If i had the time and equipment I would want to take a picture of a complex bug like a dragon fly.

Light Graffiti

For this project we had the put the camera settings at ISO 100 and we put it on bulb mode which left the shutter open as long as you need. We had to point the light at the camera and the camera would then pick up the light. If you point it in the background, the background will show more.. Hard designs were the hardest to show up because we couldn’t see what we were drawing. the most frustrating thing was when the light would n’t be directly pointed at the camera and the picture wouldn’t turn out good.


Pulitzer prize

The photo I chose was Daniel Berehulak on the Ebola outbreak. He took most of his pictures in Monrovia.It was really sad seeing all the people being carried away.

The second picture I chose was the one by Don Bartlelli about the struggles of Immigrating to the US.It was interesting seeing how much they struggle trying to get across the border.I don’t think I could be able to just take pictures I would want to help them.

Another exhibit that I liked was the FBI exhibit because they had the actual evidence from the crime scenes. The best piece was the Uni bomber cabin it was very interesting because it was so small and it was where he made all of his bombs

Rule of 3rds

For this project we had to take pictures on a line within the camera and there intersections.We had to take pictures with people and without people.The hardest thing was making the picture direst your eyes to places.I think rule of thirds is a useful tool when taking pictures.