Final Project ?

January 25, 2019 #ProLevel

This semester has been loads of fun! Between taking pictures with friends and doing queer poses I have had a fantastic time! Photography has become my favorite class, I love walking around the school taking pictures with friends! In every project we did I faced some kind of challenge that I had to get through. These challenges can range from trying to find a new and interesting angle for a photo to trying to do a sashay step leap at the same time as my friend. (we never got that right) What I thought the class would be like and what it was like was different. I thought we would learn how to use a regular camera instead of taking pictures with our iphones almost the whole time. Besides that, I didn’t know what to expect. Because of this class, I now look at things and think oh that would make a great photo! This can be very annoying, especially when I don’t have a camera with me. The way I take photos has changed a lot from when I fist started. I learned some really cool tricks through this class. They include taking a photo while on the ground so the noun you are photographing looks higher than it is, and the longer you leave the shutter open on a camera, the more light comes in. These two tricks helped me on multiple projects and made my photos better. I now take most of my photos on an angle or on the rule of thirds. My favorite project would have to be Action. I loved leaping and dancing with my friends in photos. I tried new dance moves my friend recommended and did them to the best of my ability. Overall this project was tons of fun and I would definitely do it again! I don’t think I would want to do photography as a career, I would want to do it more as a hobby. I really like photography don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t want it as a main job. I’m not sure if I will take photography in high school. I am debating if I want to do photography, drawing, or drama. They are all a lot of fun and I wish I didn’t have to choose only one. All in all, because that’s how I end all my posts. Photography was a very fun class with a lot of freedom to it. I loved hanging out with my friends and taking photos. Writing up my post was also fun, it was nice to reflect on what I did. Below is my favorite photo from a project I did.

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