Set in the Street

In class this week we created a set. It was made of three 4×8 panels with dry wall on top of the frame. This project was a recreation of Justin Bettman’s famous project but instead of putting the set in a middle school it was outside in random places.  We started off by cutting 2×4’s to make the frame. Once we had all of the pieces cut out we made a rectangle and drilled the pieces together so we had a complete frame. We then laid drywall on top of it and had the three frames. After that we painted the dry wall grey to make it look like a real living room. Then we drilled the walls together to make it one stable wall. We then brought chairs, couches and a bookshelf from the teachers lounge. It worked when we used the props like the books in a good way and it didn’t work when we just sat there and looked at the camera.
construction photos