
Then I ask them to smile

In this project I had to take pictures of people smiling and not smiling to see if my opinion would change.This project did change the way that I looked at people because when they smiled I would talk to them on the street . But when they smiled It changed because they looked more nicer. This project helped me as a photographer because not every time people do not smile they are not mad that is just how they are.

This is a picture of My puppy named COCO!

 see my pictures at 


In the newseum I saw some awesome pictures. But there were two pictures that caught my attention.The first picture was about a guy who lost his 2 legs from the Boston bombing . The year was 2014 and the photographer is Josh Haner. My impression was that I felt like crying because it was really sad.  The second picture is a woman who was hugging a head stone. The title of the picture was Memorial day and the year was 1989 and the photographer is Anthony Suau.My impression of the picture made me really hurt because I can relate to that because I lost an uncle during easter sunday .                             

If I were a photographer It would be really hard to get good angles.because I just learned how to take pictures this year.If I could choose a reward it will be to get a million dollars or just do it for the fame. My favorite exhibit was the NBC interactive newsroom.  I like that because they had a virtual reality about the Berlin wall And I had to take it down.but overall I enjoyed going to the Newseum.    

Set in the Street


For this project, We construct a set in the street.It took us 1 week and ½ . here is what we used and did. First we used wood we sanded the wood and cut the wood 4 ft by 8 ft.second we used nails to hold the wood together.I finally used a drill for my very first time.After we drilled in the nails we covered it with drywall mud. Then we had to sand the exes. We used the couches from the teacher lounge.And used books from the media center . We  also got the bookshelf from the media center as well.The camera that I have in my hand is the school’s camera.  At the end I figured that working together is easier than working by was my first time building a wall and doing cool things like this. I Have 1 picture of me but I cropped it.the 2 one is not cropped 


Glow In The Dark Graffiti

What worked was that if  someone stayed really still and another person will paint on you but you had to put the flash light facing the camera.What didn’t was that you would move or the person would not go so fast that he/she will stay in the camera / picture.One of my frustration was that my group would not listen to me and I almost died.

To look at more of my pictures check the link!

White Background

I used Manuel setting and ISO to make the background white.What worked was that I a scroll bar of something like that to make the white background whiter. What didn’t work was that if you were to close to the background you could see the shadow.

This picture was taken by Liza

this is a picture that I took of my Friends.

Black and white backgrounds

I took the picture but I had to put light in  it so the person would show up.When You took the picture in the dark that did not work .And the clothes you are wearing like if I wore dark close you could not see me and if I was wearing light colors you could see me better.

This is a picture that I took

This is a picture that someone took of me.

App review    

This app is called befuncky  . The app is used to make pictures look unique . The reason I like this app is because I can have fun creating new things on it. on the app you can custom your own picture  our the computers picture.

This app is called fotor  i like it because it lets me show what i like to do. it also lets me change everything and I can use pics from google or i can use my own pics. 


24 colors  

The assignment was looking for things that match the color of the crayon. The assignment was easy but their were some challenges that I had to face. The challenge I had to face was trying to figure out the different colors that looked similar. Another challenge was looking for the color peach because peach is hard to find. What i found easy was the light colors because I could see them clearly.

My Logo

It is important to put a logo on my pictures because if they use my photo I could get created for the photo.It is also important to put a logo in my pictures because everyone could know that I took that picture. In my logo I have 2 letters can u find them ?