Set in the Street


For this project, We construct a set in the street.It took us 1 week and ½ . here is what we used and did. First we used wood we sanded the wood and cut the wood 4 ft by 8 ft.second we used nails to hold the wood together.I finally used a drill for my very first time.After we drilled in the nails we covered it with drywall mud. Then we had to sand the exes. We used the couches from the teacher lounge.And used books from the media center . We  also got the bookshelf from the media center as well.The camera that I have in my hand is the school’s camera.  At the end I figured that working together is easier than working by was my first time building a wall and doing cool things like this. I Have 1 picture of me but I cropped it.the 2 one is not cropped 


7 days

           I am thankful for my 2 puppies.Coco is my dog he a ,beagle mix with Yorkie. Codi is my twin sister dog he is a chihuahua mix with jack Russell .They always brighten my day whenever I feel sad.

             I am also thankful for school because it has helped me become myself.I have been in this  school since the 6th grade and now I am in the 8th grade. I am thankful for my best friend Katelyn . she has helped me go through obstacles , and we are always their form each other. I am thankful for soccer because it has helped me come out of my shell and become more competitive.Last but not least I am thankful for my teacher because he helped me learn how to take pictures without my picture would be like if a 4 year old took it.

Go check out my pictures. Click the link!