Pro Level

I started off joining photography joining up for the communications class. My brother had taken it the year before, and had recommended me to take it. Then, due to a change in staff, I joined Mr. Fitz’s photography class with no idea what we would be doing. And, it was a pleasant surprise. At first I thought photography was rather stupid, but Mr. Fitz showed the beauty in it — that you could capture things in-front of you, and preserve it forever.  At the start of the class, I used to just snap the camera, and walk onto the next thing. Now, I obseve the light around me, adjust aperture, and shutter speed.  My favorite project was seven things. I liked the fact that we had to take a photo each day, and remember things we were thankful for.  Though I do not think I will ever become a photographer, this class has inspired me to take photography in highschool.

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