
This semester has been hard and time consuming but I had a lot to fun learning about the way of photos. My thoughts on photography has changed a lot, from taking bad quick photos to now taking my time to get good pics. The way I take photos has changed in a big way, I take times tasking photos now and I take more pictures with better background and lighting. My favorite project of this quarter has to black background because it was cool how we made pictures with a black background. I will not carry photography into high school, it takes a lot of time and patience and I don’t have that.


Final Project


This project was basically about taking photos while someone of something was in action. The hard thing about this assignment was that the person was moving to fast therefore the photo didn’t come out how I planned. The thing that I did to make sure the photo came out good was that I made things go in action that was easy to capture. Tips,  for this assignment I would do something that creates a lot of action, like a sports event and then capture the best photo.