7 Days


My first picture is of nature. I am thankful for nature because it has a calming sense about it and helps cool my nerves.

My second picture is of food. I am thankful for my food because it gives me energy and fills my stomach.

The third picture is of my friends. I am thankful for my friends because they are there for me when no one else is.

My fourth picture is of books. I am thankful for books because they help fill my head with knowledge.

My fifth picture us of my school. I am thankful for my school because it gives me  a safe environment to help pursue my dreams.

My sixth picture is of my dog. I am thankful for my dog because she is my constant friend 24/7.

My final is picture is of Ansh. I am thankful for Ansh because he takes great pictures and is an amazing DJ

Rule Of Thrids

For this project I was tasked with using the Rule Of Thirds. The Rule of Thirds is when there is a tic tac toe like grid across what you are taking a picture of.  The goal is to line up the focus points with the lines and cross sections of the grids. This is because the human eye is naturally drawn to those points. This project was especially challenging when trying to capture a motion shot and keep it along those lines. Also when I would take a photo, by habit, I would try and put it in the center of the frame so I quickly had to break that habit or I would fail terribly. Overall, this project was fun trying to catch the pictures happening in the moment and make the observer drawn to those points.


I was not able to upload all of my photos from my cell phone due to technical difficulties.

Light Graffiti


In this project we were painting with light. We had to isolated our subject by lighting them up in advance while another member of the group drew designs or patterns around them. In this project the shutter speed was extremely important. The shutter speed determined how much time we had to draw around the person and how much light was taken in. After we used Photoshop to edit the curves and make it more visually appealing. Another important aspect to this project was that the subject must stay completely still. If they were to move they may end up with two heads which no one wants.