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In photography class we got assigned a field trip to the Newseum in Washington DC. In the museum our teacher assigned us to find three pictures and write about them I chose the ones that really stood out to me. Next, after the photography section of the museum I went to the FBI section and that was one of my favorites because they had actual clothing that belonged to one of the very first FBI agent they also had the very first FBI car. Lastly, in the  Image result for newseum photosnewseum they had a 9/11 exhibit which was amazing because they had a piece of the actual thing that was used during the time to hang the American flag on.

Image result for newseum photography exhibitImage result for newseum 911 exhibit

Rule Of Thirds

Rule Of Thirds

In photography class this week we focused on needing to have a graph on our cameras in order to follow the rule’s that are included in the rule of thirds.Although I have had some difficulties which where needing to measure the people in the picture so that the rule would be right.