Ryan's Site

Just another My blog Sites site

7 Days

This is a picture of a fish tank. This picture symbolizes my loves for marine or aquatic creatures. In this example, it shows a clown fish which I meant to take the photo as soon as the fish looked towards the camera.
I am thankful for all of my birds. One of the many animals I enjoy keeping as pets are birds. The fact that birds can be small means that you can learn to be gentle. 
This is a picture food. Although this is not just any food, this is my mom’s cooking. I took this photo because I thought this could show how much I love my parent(s) cooking. Although it is not everyday that I think this way. Sometimes I think the food is okay.
This is a picture of sticks shaping a heart. I am thankful for this because whenever I look at it, it always puts me in a better mood. It also motivates myself to always treat one another with respect and always be responsible.
This is a picture of a crystal kind of rock shaped like to hearts. This symbolizes the love my family have for each other. Whenever I look at this, it reminds me of how much we care for each other and how much we support one another.
This picture saying “I think you are MAGIC” is one of my many motivations to work hard everyday. This picture symbolizes my thinking of how much I can change in order to achieve certain goals.
I am thankful for all of the fun times my family and myself had during a trip to the beach. All of the wonderful trips stopped my sorrows and made everyone happy. There are some people who does not like to go outside, so they won’t know what it feels like to have fun in a nice outdoor weather.

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