5 Angles

For the 5 angles project, I had to take 5 photos of 3 things in all different angles. One of those things had to be a person. Taking five photos in all different angles was more difficult than you would think. Something challenging about taking all 5 photos was the fact that you could not be on the same plane on a different side, it had to be a full new angle. This proved challenging if the object was laying on something as you would lose a lot of potential angles. I feel like the hardest object to photograph was the Jolyn stickers on my binder. It was the hardest to photograph because it  was a flat object laying against a flat surface. This project helped me learn a lot of new angles and different ways to take photos that I didn’t think of before. My favorite photo is probably an above angle of my friend Valerie (below). To see the rest of pictures from this project, click here. 

24 Crayons

For this project I had a case of 24 crayons and I had to take a photo of each crayon with a background of similar color. This project was not as easy as it seemed. Sometimes it was hard to keep the crayon in place. Other times, the crayons would match perfectly with the object in real life, but when I went to take a photo the colors were different because of lighting. One thing I found to be easy was finding objects similar in color in my everyday life. Below are my 2 favorite photos from this project. You can see the rest of my photos here.