7 Days

This is my big brother Branyan. I am thankful for him because he has taught me so many new things. He has been with me my whole life and has helped me grow stronger. I love him Even though he can be a little annoying sometimes.
This is my older cousin Andres. I am thankful for him because he makes me laugh anytime I’m feeling down and we also make fun of each other a lot which is so funny to the both of us. I also call him a doofus every time I see him. Anytime we’re together we have the best time.
This is my younger cousin Bianca. I am so thankful for this little one because she makes me laugh 24/7 and we have the craziest times together. We could probably write a book on our crazy experiences together. 
This is my younger cousin Jensy. I am thankful for him because he’s crazy and loves to call me a frog and I call him a fly. We annoy each other all the time, anytime were together things get a little crazy.
This is our leftover thanksgiving turkey. I am thankful for Thanksgiving because its the time where our whole family comes together and cooks and have a nice dinner. Also our family goes overload on the food so there is always some leftover thanksgiving dinner.
This is my family’s Christmas tree. I am thankful for our Christmas tree because its a time where our family comes together to celebrate the holidays. 
This is my aunt’s dog Mia. I am thankful for her because she makes me happy and puts a smile on my face each time I see her cute face. I take care of her a lot whenever my aunt is out of town. Even though she nips me like crazy I still love her.

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