Action Photos

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In this project, I was required to take photos of motion. I had to photograph a moving object. One of the things that I did to get good results were to move the camera close to the object and focus on it so that it is very sharp, making contrast with the blurry background. The advice I would give to others is to take a slow motion video, and then select the frame that you would like. I would like to photograph water polo because water is very reflective and looks beautiful.

7 days/thankful post

These photos show what I am grateful for. I am grateful for:

-The three dollars that keep me from being classified as “broke.”

-My easy access to an abundance of food (the fridge), in spite of my three-dollar financial state.

-The climate in which I live, which has the perfect balance of cold and warm weather, so that I can drink hot cocoa and eat ice cream without getting too cold or hot.

-The neighborhood I live in, which is close to many of my favorite restaurants (even though I haven’t bought anything for a long time, as I only have three dollars).

-Nature, which is one of the most beautiful things in Maryland, although I rarely go outside because I am a couch potato.

-Electricity, which keeps my refrigerator going.

-My amazing, brilliant, and intelligent girlfriend, who I have grown up with since I was seven years old. Our ship name is Ham (Samantha+Hedy) which I am very grateful for, as I have a great affinity for food.

Pros vs. Joes.

Over this year, I was able to create a portfolio of all my photos. I learned how to recognize colors that compliment each other well. I learned how to create interesting and helpful effects for my photos and how to use a camera to the fullest extent. I improved on finding  good backgrounds, lighting, and angles. I have gone from thinking about photography as just a camera and a person, but as an art form. My favorite project was the light graffiti project because it combined problem solving and art. Although I may not become a professional photographer, I will continue to learn about photography in the future, because it is an interesting and worthwhile skill. My favorite photo is a photo in this pros vs. joes project. It is a photo of a camera in front of trees.


Up Close

In this project, students were required to take pictures of objects using the Macro tool, which allows photographers to take picture of small objects and captures fine details. It was very easy to find subjects for my photographs, but more difficult for me to focus on the object. If I had the time and camera, I would enjoy photographing sea life, such as miniature shells and miniscule hermit crabs.


Then I Asked Them to Smile

One of the most difficult aspects of the project was asking people to take their picture. But once I did, I noticed a large difference between the neutral faces and the smiling faces. As soon as they smiled, they suddenly seemed less like strangers and more like friends. I realized that smiling, a universal sign of friendliness, clears most bias. Bias can affect a photographer in many ways. It may “warn” a photographer to stay away from one person, when that person may be the photographer’s future best friend. To erase bias, I would ask my clients to smile and tell me about their lives.

Photo App Review


My first review is on Instagram. Instagram is a photo editing and sharing app with a social media aspect, too. You can make some areas sharper and other areas more blurry, or change the color, saturation, contrast, shadows, highlights, or warmth. Instagram is my favorite photo editing app because it combines all the aspect of photo editing into one simple. easy-to-use interface.

Image result for instagram filter before and after

My second review is on Be Funky is a free photo editing online app in which you can change all of the typical settings, such as contrast, brightness, etc. but you can also use a brush tool to apply the settings to only certain areas, which makes it my favorite online photo app by far.

Image result for befunky before and after

Black Background

To create the these photos, I set the exposure on the camera to low to dim the lights and posed in front of a back background. Then I went to Adobe Photoshop and made the background even darker (as needed) using the curves feature. I learned that holding the light away from the background worked better than holding it close, which didn’t work at all.


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Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a rule that states that photos are more aesthetically pleasing if the subject is on on third to the right, left, bottom, or top of the image. This can be difficult because viewer’s eye must be drawn from one point to another, so the photographer needs to make sure to align the subjects correctly.

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Infinite background-White Background

For my white background photos, my friends and i stood in front of a white background and set the exposure to high to avoid creating shadows. Then I put the image into adobe photoshop and tweak the image’s light settings with the “curves” button. I learned that standing closer to the background made more shadows, and didn’t work; standing father away made the shadows disappear.

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