Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds was a very difficult project to work on because everything, line, and detail had to be exact. It was easy to find a setting outside on the line but doing it inside was very difficult for me to do.  I liked using a variety of places to take me photos. This definitely was not my favorite project but it was a good challenge! Here is one of my photos:

Google album link:

Light Graffiti

I used a Sony camera to take the photos and used a iPhone 6s or iPhone 7 to use a flashlight.  Something that worked very well was lighting up the person while taking the picture because it made the background really dark. Something that was hard to work with was making sure the light didn’t bounce off the wall because then the picture would look bad and be all messed up. Here is an example of what we did:


White Backgrounds

I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my pictures and to make the pictures look more white in the back.  I also used Adobe Firework to add my logo to the photo.  Using the white background helped work out a lot so it was less editing and making it way to white. Something that still doesn’t really work is making it look like there’s no background. Here are some examples of the pictures I took:

Here is my link: