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My Values

I value God, Jesus and the bible because  I am a proud Christian and it is part of my culture. I don’t mind what others think of me and I know that God is with me at all times.

I value my studies and education because I want to b successful and attend a great college. If I want to be successful in life I have to be successful in my education, it’s a really big part of success.

I value my family because they mean the world to me. Some people out there don’t have families or lose their families and I just love my family no matter how much they annoy me or what they do to me. Without my family I’d be nothing because they are my everything and I rather die if it means saving them.

I value my friends because they are a big part of my life and they help build my character. My friends are really important to me and I love all of them. Even when we have out ups and downs at the end of the dat we still love each other. Friendship is something beautiful and having someone you could smile with is really something amazing.

I value Myself because my life is based on what I want it to be. Without myself what would I be? I am the only one who should affect my life and my choices have consequences which is why I choose to do the right thing and follow the right path.

I value my parent’s wedding and their relationship because I would never abt them to divorce. They raised me with love and taught me all I know. If they give up on each other then what ways should I guide my life? They never had any big arguments or insulted each other and I hope it stays that way.

I value food because food is what I need to survive. Food helps me grow and gain weight which I should probably reconsider but some food are healthy! Food is a good source of every nutrients I need to survive so I need food!

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