7 Days

For day one, I took a photo of my earbuds. I took this picture not only to just show my earbuds but to also represent music. Music is a huge part of my life and affects me strongly. For example, music can automatically change my mood from really depressed, to feeling happy and confident. My music has helped me a lot throughout the “tough times” when going to people for help wasn’t enough, or when I felt alone or constantly stressed out.  Also, I listen to music a lot. When I’m on the bus when I’m reading, and during class (when I can), are just a few examples of when I listen to music. Furthermore, my friends give me weird looks when they can hear my music perfectly through my earbuds as I listen (my music is always turned up all the way). As you can see, music is a huge part and I don’t know what I would do without it.

For day two I took a picture of my cat. This represents all of my pets (1 cat and 2 dogs). I am truly thankful for my pets. My cat, Nitro has been with me since we were both 1 year old. Nitro is the best can ever and I love how relaxed and chill he is. Second, my 3-year-old dog, Norman. Norman knows when you are sad and/or need some cuddles. Although he lays down in the middle of my bed right before I go to sleep, I love how loving and smart he is. Then there is Chewey… We just got her about a month ago, and she is the cutest little thing, but definitely not the brightest. Chewy is so cute and makes you laugh.  Long story short, my pets are always there for me.

For day three I took a close up picture of my Christmas tree. I took a picture of my tree because I’m thankful for Christmas. Christmas is a holiday that helps bring my family together (not that they don’t already love each other). Christmas is also the holiday that I get to go on a plane and see my family. Overall I believe that Christmas is a great holiday and I love all of the hot cocoa, warm fires, cheesy Hallmark movies, and warm blankets.  

For day four I took a picture of a pencil and paper. This represents my love for writing. Writing is so fun whether it’s a short story or an essay. Many people might not like writing because they find it difficult, but writing is an easy way to express my feelings. I also love writing because it takes up my time, so if I have nothing to do and I want to waste time, I’ll write.

For day 5 I took a picture of my swim pool. I just started swimming last summer but I believe I’ve gotten good really quickly. During practice, I swim with the people that have been swimming since they were little. Now during practice, I usually feel like I’m going to die, but I love it anyway. I used to be super unhealthy before I started swimming, but now I’m really healthy and proud of myself. Also, swimming (easy-ish) helps take away any stress that I have at the moment. I know many many people are faster and better than me at swimming, but I’m grateful that I finally found a sport that I love, and makes me happy.

For day six I took a picture of my friends. My friends are always there for me and I don’t know what I would do without them. If I have a problem and I don’t feel like telling my parents, who do I tell? My friends. I have amazing friends that would do anything to keep me happy, and I would do the same for them. My friends are there for me, so I am there for them. We love each other like family and again, I don’t know what I would do without them. 

 For day seven I took a picture of my family. There is so much to say about my family, I don’t even know where to start. My family is amazing, and I’m super lucky to have a great family. My parents love me so much and I’m so grateful for that. My sister, although she annoys me to death (9 years old), is funny and caring. I also love how my grandparents spoil me and my sister all the time. Overall my family is amazing.