Rule Of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a set of two lines (one pair vertical and one pair horizontal), kind of like a tic tac toe. To take a rule of thirds picture you have to take up 1/3 of the screen with your focal point or put your focal point on one of the lines or crosses. Photographers do this so the person’s eyes wander around the picture before looking at the focal point. Usually, the picture worked if we put the person or object on one of the lines, but it was harder to take pictures where 1/3 of the picture was something, and 2/3 was something else. Before taking these pictures, I thought it would be hard. Then, after taking the photos, I realized it wasn’t as hard as I thought. Here are some other photos


For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a black and white background. While we were taking photos, we had to adjust the lights and move the people so the background was plain white and plain black (no shadows). After a few minutes, we figured out that it was best to point the light more towards the camera. We knew pointing the light toward the person was not good because then we would have shadows. Below are some pictures I took. And here are my other pictures