7 Days

7 Days

For this project I had to take 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for. My first picture was a picture of my family. I am thankful for my family because they love me and they help me through tough times but always make me laugh. My second photo is of my dad. I am thankful for my dad because he teaches me things that I need to know in life and is proud of me. My third photo is of Zack. I am thankful for Zack because he is my friend and I should be thankful for that. My fourth photo is of my brother and my cousin. I’m thankful for my brother because he toughens me up and puts a smile on my face. Also, I’m thankful for my cousin because he is young and I can treat him like a little brother. My fifth photo is of my cat. I am thankful for my cat because she is nice and brings back good memories. My sixth photo is of my cousins dog. I am thankful for my cousins dog because his funny to play with and looks like a potato. My last photo is of my dog Stella. I am thankful for my dog Stella because she loves and always lets me pet her. If you want to see the rest of my photos click here.

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