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This semester has gone great in Photography. It all started with 24 Colors and ended here. My thoughts have not changed about photography I still love it. My pictures have changed for the better, better lighting, better subjects, etc. My favorite project was Then I Asked Them to Smile because I went out of my comfort zone to take pictures …

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Getting close

Getting close

What I had to do for this project was take photos close up to show textures. What worked well is not getting to close so it actually focuses. My Challenge was finding good places to take pictures. I had some issues like the camera not focusing. I would probably take a picture of bugs or …

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Set in The Street

Set in The Street

For this project we had to create 4 emotions with 4 pictures in a fake set. The photographers that created the orginal photos are Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. The photoshop tools I used were lasso, curves and black and white. If I would take a photo that would represent my family I would …

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7 Days

7 Days

For this project I had to take 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for. My first picture was a picture of my family. I am thankful for my family because they love me and they help me through tough times but always make me laugh. My second photo is of my dad. I …

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Catch The Action

Catch The Action

For this project I had to catch people doing things while in motion. What I did to take good moving photos is to keep the shutter speed fast than slow. A tip is to do it in good lighting. Also, do it in a large space. A sport I would like to photograph is definitely …

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Then I Asked Them to Smile

Then I Asked Them to Smile

What was difficult with this project was getting the nerve to actually ask a stranger to take their photo. What changes I see with the photos is the eyebrows and mouth changing in ways that form a smile. Bias can affect my job as a photographer because I might not want to ask a stranger …

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light graffiti

light graffiti

For this project, I had to change the ISO (100), F-Stop (5.6) and then the shutter speed to Bulb. What worked was shining the light straight at the camera. What didn’t work was when the camera didn’t focus and the whole picture was dizzy. What really frustrated me was the number of times you had …

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Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

What worked in the rule of thirds it was when the person’s eyes or an object lined up with the grid and created a great picture. What didn’t work was when somebody or something was tilted and nothing lined up. My thoughts about the rules of thirds is that it makes the picture look a …

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Portraits with an Infinite Background

Portraits with an Infinite Background

For this project I had to change the ISO, Shutter speed, and the F-stop of the camera to create a background that looks infinite. Also,we had to mess with the photo in Photoshop to make the background look more “Infinite”. What worked was placing the light source behind the object so it doesn’t create shadows. …

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