Month: December 2018

Set in The Street

Set in The Street

For this project we had to create 4 emotions with 4 pictures in a fake set. The photographers that created the orginal photos are Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. The photoshop tools I used were lasso, curves and black and white. If I would take a photo that would represent my family I would take it in my dining room because I spend most of my time with my family there. For the rest of my photos click here.

7 Days

7 Days

For this project I had to take 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for. My first picture was a picture of my family. I am thankful for my family because they love me and they help me through tough times but always make me laugh. My second photo is of my dad. I am thankful for my dad because he teaches me things that I need to know in life and is proud of me. My third photo is of Zack. I am thankful for Zack because he is my friend and I should be thankful for that. My fourth photo is of my brother and my cousin. I’m thankful for my brother because he toughens me up and puts a smile on my face. Also, I’m thankful for my cousin because he is young and I can treat him like a little brother. My fifth photo is of my cat. I am thankful for my cat because she is nice and brings back good memories. My sixth photo is of my cousins dog. I am thankful for my cousins dog because his funny to play with and looks like a potato. My last photo is of my dog Stella. I am thankful for my dog Stella because she loves and always lets me pet her. If you want to see the rest of my photos click here.

Catch The Action

Catch The Action

For this project I had to catch people doing things while in motion. What I did to take good moving photos is to keep the shutter speed fast than slow. A tip is to do it in good lighting. Also, do it in a large space. A sport I would like to photograph is definitely soccer or basketball because there is a lot of moving involved which gives great pictures. For the rest of my pictures click here.