Month: October 2018

light graffiti

light graffiti

For this project, I had to change the ISO (100), F-Stop (5.6) and then the shutter speed to Bulb. What worked was shining the light straight at the camera. What didn’t work was when the camera didn’t focus and the whole picture was dizzy. What really frustrated me was the number of times you had to retake a photo just because it’s blurry or because nothing is lined up. To take this to another level you can’t make a stop-motion movie out of the pictures. For the rest of my pictures come here.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

What worked in the rule of thirds it was when the person’s eyes or an object lined up with the grid and created a great picture. What didn’t work was when somebody or something was tilted and nothing lined up. My thoughts about the rules of thirds is that it makes the picture look a lot better. The lines we used in the making of these photos made sure that we lined the person or thing to make the rule of thirds actually work. For the rest of my photos come here.  

Portraits with Infinite Background 2

Portraits with Infinite Background 2

 For this project I had to change the ISO, Shutter speed, and the F-stop of the camera to create a background that looks infinite(Again, but with a black background). One thing that was difficult was the lighting and how we had to make it so there were no shadows. One thing that was easy was the placement of the camera and changing the settings. In the end we had to change the contrast in photoshop so the back looked darker. For the rest of the portraits come here

Portraits with an Infinite Background

Portraits with an Infinite Background

For this project I had to change the ISO, Shutter speed, and the F-stop of the camera to create a background that looks infinite. Also,we had to mess with the photo in Photoshop to make the background look more “Infinite”. What worked was placing the light source behind the object so it doesn’t create shadows. What didn’t work was when someone was behind the background and it created a shadow. See the rest of my portraits here