Month: May 2018

Up Close

Up Close

In the up close project we had to take pictures with the super macro setting.I used the app VSCO to use the super macro setting.Everything in this project worked perfectly, and the app worked too.The pictures look okay to me but I lost my good ones so this will do.If I had a lot of time my pictures would of looked better.Trying to use the normal camera doesn’t work because it doesn’t have the super macro setting.

click here for the rest of the pictures:



It was difficult to ask people if you could their picture because some people were saying no and that is fine but once you keep hearing it you kind of get tried of asking.You can see the change in peoples faces and their expressions change the way you would judge them.When people smile the first thing you would say about them is that they are friendly and nice so most likely you go talk to them.When they were not smiling you would think that they are mad, mean, or just having a bad day.If I was a photographer I would ask my client if they feel comfortable with me taking their.

To see the pictures click here:

Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

We took our pictures with Mr. Fitz camera which had the bulb setting so we didn’t really need to turn the shutter on for 8 seconds.The f stop was at 3.5, once we clicked the button we had to draw something but you had to make sure you didn’t take too long and that the light was facing the camera.What worked was being able draw what we wanted to and some of them coming out well.What didn’t work was making sure we had shadows and our feet in the picture but they came out well. Didn’t really have frustrations during this project except our feet  and shadows were getting in certain pictures.To take this project to the next level I would probably make the the drawing more “complex”, adding more swirls and designs.

click here to see the rest of the photos