

For the project we had to take photos of objects in motion so it would be a picture but you could still tell it is in motion.For the setup I waited for some of the people to pass by so I could take a picture of the people who were coming next.For a tip you …

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Last Project

Last Project

The whole semester was pretty easy there were  some challenging times during projects.   i have changed my  views about photography, I changed the way i took pictures and how i angled favorite project was the white and black background projects.we messed around with the backgrounds made people look photo shopped. It was fun doing …

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Up Close

Up Close

In the up close project we had to take pictures with the super macro setting.I used the app VSCO to use the super macro setting.Everything in this project worked perfectly, and the app worked too.The pictures look okay to me but I lost my good ones so this will do.If I had a lot of …

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It was difficult to ask people if you could their picture because some people were saying no and that is fine but once you keep hearing it you kind of get tried of asking.You can see the change in peoples faces and their expressions change the way you would judge them.When people smile the first …

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Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

We took our pictures with Mr. Fitz camera which had the bulb setting so we didn’t really need to turn the shutter on for 8 seconds.The f stop was at 3.5, once we clicked the button we had to draw something but you had to make sure you didn’t take too long and that the …

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app review

app review

I used snapchat to take these pictures. Snapchat is used for taking pictures of everything and sending them to your friends you can also post it on your story.It is also used for texting with your friends.It is my favorite app because because you can use a lot of different filters and other things.   …

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rule of thirds

rule of thirds

What we worked was making sure the gird was working and keeping everything on the gird.What didn’t work was not having the grid because it is way harder without the gird.At the beginning I was confused and thought it was going to be difficult but at the end it didn’t end up being hard.I mostly …

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Newseum Post

Newseum Post

One of the Pulitzer Prize photos that I was the Starvation In Sudan by Kevin Carter and the other was the Fire Escape Collapse photo by Stanley Forman. The Fire Escape Collapse photo has two little kids being thrown out the window because of the fire.The Starvation In Sudan had a picture of a very …

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1 Object 5 Shots

1 Object 5 Shots

We had to take 5 pictures of 3 objects that had 5 different angles basically a total of 15 pictures.A challenge was trying to find a different angle for each object.The hardest object to take a picture of was the fan because the angles kind of look alike and I was worried that I took …

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White Background

White Background

We had take pictures of each other with a white background shining the light on the background not the person.What worked was making sure the shutter speed and ISO were at the right setting/place. What didn’t work was trying to make sure that there was no shadow but we figured it out.The black background was …

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