Then I asked him to smile.

This project was difficult because most people would laugh when I told them to be serious and get embarrassed when I told them to smile. Most people looked more friendly/approachable when they smiled. When you are bias as a photographer you can miss an opportunity to take a great picture. If I was a photographer I would ask my client how would you want to come across.


Light graffiti

We used the ISO and F-STOPS setting on the camera. In order for the light drawing to show you need to use shutter speed, try to leave it open as long as possible. It worked to have multiple people draw the light so that way you can get more done in such a short period of time. It was frustrating when the people in the picture would move cause that makes it blurry and throws the whole picture. It was also frustrating when people from other groups would shine light on our project and mess up the picture. It would be cool to draw multiple figures at one time.


App review

Instagram- Instagram is used to post photos on your feed/page, you are able to see other peoples post if you follow them.There is a setting were you can switch your account to private, which allows you to know who sees you photos. There are also filters that you can use on your photos. You can also like and comment on others photos. It is my favorite because it lets me and my friends see each other photos.

Snapchat- Snapchat lets you send pictures to your friends and post on your story for others to see. If you keep sending photos to a person for more than 3 days you get a streak with them and it is your job to keep that streak. Most people have multiple streaks with their friends. You can also save photos to your memories and use one of the many filters they have. This is my favorite app because it allows me to easily communicate with my friends in a fun way.


   like how the photo showed a tragic story behind it, and I felt bad for the people. It also shows how things that seem small to us can effect others greatly.

Photographed by Smiley N.Pool. Title, Hurricane Katrina year 2006.


Many of my grandparents were forced into the army. This solider looks unhappy and forced.

Photographed by Craig F walker. Title, American solider year 2010.


If I was a photographer I wouldn’t be able to take pictures without helping. However I would try to take harsh photos so people seeing it will feel the need to help. Photographers go through the struggle of feeling like their not able to help, they also have to choose between a great photo or helping someone in need.

My favorite exhibit was the 9/11 one.  There many newspapers so you could see the perspective of it from people around the country. I also thought it was cool to see a peace of the tower.