5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 5 different pictures of 3 different still objects (one had to be a human) from 5 different camera angles. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to get all 5 different camera angles. My chair picture was the hardest to photograph because it was in a corner so I had to find a way to get pictures from the back of the chair without having myself in the picture. The project helped me learn more creative ways to take pictures.  

Click To See My Photos Here

24 Colors

For this assignment I was asked to take a picture of 24 crayons that match a color in the school. It was hard to find the less common colors around the school but I ended up getting them all. Finding more of the simpler colors was easy because I could find them all around the school in obvious spots.

Click to see my photos here

My Logo period 7

I usually go to Google Drive to upload images from my phone but I use google photos for clip art. I normally don’t contact the owner but I include the name of the owner next to the image. Yes I always give credit to the photographer of the photo. if a classmate used my photo for their own project I would expect them to include my name in or next to their photo. My logo is my initials (ZZ) connected to a P that spells out photography. I think that making your logo into 2 different colors was the hardest part of creating my logo.