7 Days

I am thankful for my brother Luke because he is fun to be around and always makes people around him laugh.
7 photos
I am thankful for my Tim Tebow jersey because Florida is my favorite team and hardly never
I am thankful for football because it is my favorite sport and it has always been my favorite thing to do.
I am thankful for my christmas tree because it represents the holidays and all of the fun times with family.
I am thankful for Old Bay because it represents where I live and makes every other food better.
I am thankful for my speaker because I love to listen to music and music can help me in numerous ways.

Then I asked Them To Smile

The most difficult part of this project was asking strangers if they could take a picture because I am very introverted and won’t talk to people I don’t know. When I asked them to smile, their personalities seemed to change from when they weren’t smiling. Bias can affect the pictures that I took because if there was something negative that happened to someone, I wouldn’t take the best picture and I wouldn’t think that their smile was very meaningful. If I asked someone to take ”fair photos”, I would ask them about their background and experiences with strangers because it could show a whole different perspective through photos.

Click Here To See My Slideshow

Light Graffiti

To take our pictures, we used flashlights from our phone and colored lights to include colors. On our camera, we had to change the ISO so that our lights could be seen in the dark without showing a lot of  the background. Also, we had to keep the shutter speed open for a long time so we could make the picture. We didn’t have to worry about time because we had the ”Bulb” setting on our camera so the shutter speed was open as long as we wanted. A problem that we had was that the camera was making me blurry so we had to refocus it a lot in order for it to focus it on me. Something that was frustrating was making our tree look organized and neat because we used two different colored lights to make it. To take this project to the next level, we could be doing the project with nobody else in the gym so that other peoples lights didn’t flash into our shot.

Click to see my photos here