Light Graffiti

For this project I had to hold down a button on the camera and with a light we used it to draw an object around a person when they were done we let go of the button and then looked at how the picture. The colorful light worked better than using the flashlights on our phones the colorful lights gave us a more clear picture than that flashlights did. Some things that were frustrating about this project was that since it was so dark in the gym people used there flashlights which pointed at our pictures which messed up our pictures. An idea that can take our project to the next level is trying to be more neat so the pictures come out more clear.

You can see my photos here

Black Background

For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a black background we had each person take a picture of each other and when one person wasn’t taking a picture they were holding the yellow light. Editing the photos weren’t hard but taking them were the it was either the dark were too dark and you couldn’t see the people or that we couldn’t get the background well and the light was misplaced.

See my photos here


For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a white background we had one person taking pictures and another person holding the light then switched. Editing the photo’s was the easy part taking them was a hole other story the lighting was too bright where it was blinding it was too bright and it made it hard to look at.

5 Shots

In this project I had to take 15 photos of 3 different objects from 5 different angles. One had to be a person and the other two had to be two different items. The most difficult thing about this project was to find the items to take a picture of there wasn’t much in the school that had inspired me to use as my photo. The hardest picture to take was the one of the book because i had to put it in one position and the pages keep moving and the book was falling and it was set up on the table so there wasn’t a lot of angles. This project challenged me in a good way and helped me explore different angles of objects.

See my photos here.