In this assiagnment we had to to take photos with an infitive black background. I changed the ISO and shutter speed really too slow to make the background all black. I also shined a light at the the side of the person to take out the shadows. Making the background endless worked, but the colors on the […]
Month: October 2018
Our fourth assiagnment was to take portraits with an infinitive white background. I changed the ISO and shutter speed to make the background all white. I also shined a light at the white background to take out the shadows. Making the background endless worked, but the colors on the person ended up yellowish orange. Click here […]
1 object, 5 shots
Our next assignment was taking 5 different photos with different angles of 3 objects. One challenge was figuring out what angles to do and how the lighter was. The hardest object to take photos of was my sister. She had to stay perfectly still and in the same pose for a long period of time. […]