
When we took the photos we had to adjust the ISO so the lighting would fit for the really dark picture background. We had to stay in a certain position and hold a light up at a certain angle. When we stood in between the wall and the camera at an equal distance and use the light but kind of blocked with our hands it worked really well. It didn’t work well if you stood against the wall and had direct


5 shots

We had to take 3 objects and take 5 pictures of each of the objects at 5 different angels. Finding creative angles was the most difficult part. Gabriela  was the hardest thing to takes photos of because of the angles were hard to locate. This project helped me be more creative.

Click here to see the rest of my photos:


24 Crayons

For this assignment we had to find backgrounds that matched the colors of 24 different colored crayons. It was difficult to find a lot of the backgrounds in the school because we couldn’t hold the crayons up and the school isn’t very colorful. The easy part of it was taking the picture itself.  To see all of my pictures, click here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/E0529sfqtMbNcDYy1