7 Days

I am thankful for my mom and my stepdad because they always support me. They always give me advice and always helps me whenever I need it even if they are busy. My mom is very loving but can also be strict. My stepdad is very friendly and funny. I am very thankful and lucky to have great parents.
I am thankful for my dad. My dad is very funny and always makes me laugh. He is also really nice and helpful. He gives me good advice whenever I need it. I am very happy that I have a great dad.


I am very lucky to be able to have a phone. I am able to contact my family members that I don’t see often. I enjoy having a phone because I can texts my family and friends. Lastly, I like having a phone because I can take pictures whenever I want which is very convenient. 
I am very thankful to have an amazing sister because she is very supportive and is very funny. She is a always nice to me even when she is mad or annoyed at me. My sister is a thoughtful person and doesn’t get on my nerves too much. I am very happy that I have an amazing sister. 
I am thankful for all of my photos from my phone or my Polaroid camera. I like having pictures all around my room because they remind me fun memories. It also reminds me of the great places I’ve been to such as Barcelona and Paris.
I am very thankful to have a piano. I like practicing whenever I have free time. I am also thankful to have a good quality piano because it has lasted me for many years, and it still sounds great.
I am thankful for my Polaroid camera because I think it is really fun taking pictures that print immediately.  I think it is convenient to be able to take it anywhere. I always use it during the summer and put my photos in an album. 


For this project we had to take pictures of 15 people, with one photo of them smiling and one without smiling. The most difficult part of this project was to ask people if I could take pictures of them. This was hard for me because I felt very uncomfortable. The changes I see between the 2 photos are that the people look much more happy in the smiling picture. It is like they have a different personality. Bias can affect my job as a photographer because if I walk passed someone not smiling or looking very serious, I wouldn’t ask them if I could take a picture of them. I would ask my clients to talk about their day and what they like to do. This is a chance to take a fair photo because people don’t always have to smile in all photos. You can see my photos here.