Last Project

This semester we learned many new things in photography, rule of thirds, action pictures, macro, etc, ! My thoughts about photography have changed completely. My favorite project was Macro. I loved taking pictures of things up close because things look completely different up close! Photography does not interest me as a career (I already have […]


In this project we took pictures of object up close. We have to take the pictures in such a way that people cant recognize the object easily. I found taking pictures of animals easier than taking pictures of other objects. Some of the challenges of this project is finding an object to take pictures of […]

Action Pics

For this project we need to take pictures of objects in motion. We also need to make sure it comes out good. The subject cant be blurry. Some tips to take AWESOME action pictures (Like mine) is to know what you are taking a picture of. If I could choose one sport to take pictures […]

Dark Portraits

 Mr. Fitz brought in black backgrounds to take our pictures in front of. Once we took the pictures, Mr. Fitz uploaded them to our computers. Then we uploaded them to photo shop and edited them so that they would be black infinite backgrounds. Putting the lights on us and not  the background helped us edit […]

1 object 5 shots

For this project we had to take five photo’s of a object from angles most wouldn’t look from. We had to use 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging thing for me was to take 5 pics of a person. I couldn’t find anyone to help me out. This project helped me take photo’s from […]

1 object 5 shots