7 Days Of Black & White

For one week ( seven days ) I took pictures of objects, and people that mean a lot to me.

The first picture I took is of my dogs. I’m thankful that even though they can’t do everything a normal person can, they still help me feel better whenever I’m down. They tend to always find a way to be around me which I always found funny, because they love attention just as much as me so  don’t mind one bit. My first dog, Lola ( a Boston Terrier ) is special to me because my mom and I have had her since I was in second grade, so whenever we had to move to a different state, she would always be there, and she’s been through a lot with our family. My second dog, Loki, ( a French Bulldog ) is also very special to me because even though he’s just recently joined our family and has probably the most problems any dog has probably ever had, he still makes me laugh anytime of dog.

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The second picture I took is of my cheer shoes. I’m thankful for me being able to do cheer in general because before I even knew competitive cheer existed, I didn’t have a lot of things or hobbies that I was that into, I may have done soccer, gymnastics, and cross country, but I wasn’t really looking forward to those activity’s during the beginning of the week because it just wasn’t something I was passionate about. And even after I did a couple activity’s I would take a brake which ended up being longer then expected. I thought I would never find something I was happy and passionate about doing but when I was pushed to start doing competitive cheer, I don’t think I could ever stop doing it.

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The third picture I took was of my mom. I’m definitely thankful for my mom because she helps me a lot in general. We may have had a few fights or “disagreements” as I like to call them, we always make up in the end because we can’t stand being mad at each other. She helps a lot with my homework and doesn’t just give me the answers, and even though I get mad about that, I know she’s just doing it for my own good. She’s even the one who pushed me to do cheer, which I could not be more happy and thankful for. 

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The fourth picture I took was of my friend Julia Willimann. I’m very thankful for her because she’s one of the few friends that understands me and me with her so I think that’s why we get along so well. We tell each other pretty much everything, and I like how we can joke about stuff that other people would find weird.

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The fifth picture I took was of food. I’m thankful for food because first off you kind of have to eat to survive. My parents think I’m a picky eater which used to be true but now I love to try new foods everyday.

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The sixth picture I took is of my house. I’m thankful for my house, even though it might seem weird I truly an thankful for it because my family tends to move a lot considering my parents are in the military, so this is the first house my parents have actually owned which I’m not used to so its a great change for all the houses and apartments we’ve lived in before.

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The seventh picture I took is of hair ties. I may sound silly but being a girl with long hair you tend to put your hair up a lot. They make it easy to put your hair up and they’re easy to use which makes them good to use.

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