Last Project

Throughout this whole semester, we worked on taking pictures with different angles and how to edit pictures a certain way. We also made our own logo to put on our pictures that we took. At first I thought photography was just taking a picture and you’re done, but it’s definitely more then just taking the picture itself. Thought has to go into the picture and then after you have to edit the picture, and after you’re finished with all that you have to put your logo on it, so my opinion on photography has definitely changed this semester. I have changed the way I take pictures, now I use the rule of thirds a lot when I take pictures which helps a lot in the end. My favorite project was probably this one because it pretty much combined all our projects together which I think is really cool. If I’m being honest, after this class, photography does interest me as a career because it seems so interesting to me and there’s so many things you could take pictures of and so many ways to take those pictures which I love and I could see also becoming a hobby. I don’t know for sure yet if I want to continue learning this in high school but I probably will based off of my experience in this class. My favorite picture is of is of the hallway I took because Ella looks like she’s lost.

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