Catch the Action

For this project we had to take pictures of people in action. So we had to think of things from the background, camera angles, composition ( by that I mean rule of 3rds ), and lighting. For this project I used my phone as the camera. I didn’t do much with the camera to get the pictures but I already had the grid on my camera. When it cam to taking the actual pictures, I would tap on the screen so my camera would focus more on the person so the picture wouldn’t end up blurry. Some tips I would give someone who is trying to do this project, is to get different angles for each picture because then it would make each picture together look more better. Also, when doing this project you definitely need to be creative with this project, you don’t need to, but it definitely helps. If I could, I would want to take pictures at a baseball game when the batter is hitting the ball. Here is a link to all my pictures.

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