Taniahs photography site

A site for not just pictures but for leaning pictures

Kitchen Table

This is a project where we have to build a set in the middle of something and take a close up as if it was the actual scene and then when we zoom out you will see that we are not where we seem we are and we have to have a photo zoomed out and zoomed in.  For this project me, Tabitha, Ashley, Brianna, Alexandra, Brooke, and Rebecca built a kitchen set with a table, a light, and be brought in our own props to use as if we were at out kitchen table at home. To edit our photos we used the modify tool to feather the photo at 200 then we used the inverse tool so when we curve it it wont show the light at the top. 

If I had to chose a place to chose my families stories I  would use a grocery store because my mom is a cook and my family likes to eat her cooking all the time so we spend a lot of time in the grocery store. My pictures would be my mom picking food off of the shelves and my little brother in th cart while one of my siblings are walking beside my mom. 

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