close up

For this project we had to get close to an object and capture the detail of it. What worked in ti=his project was finding things to take pictures of. What didn´t work well was making sure the picture was blurry when you got close. It was hard for me to focus the picture so it came out clear. If i had the abiltity and equipment to take another picture close up I would do food or waffles because it already looks good on the outside but I wonder how it looks on the inside or close up.

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Last Project

This semester was actually good because I worked hard and actually enjoyed it. My thoughts about photography have actually expanded. I have more knowledge in what is actually required or what is in photography. I know now its more than taking pictures. I’ve changed the way I take pictures by using what ive learned during photography like different angles and such. My favorite project was the black background post because we got to use a golden light which locked really good and our pictures turned out really good. I already have a goal so photography doesn’t interest me for a job but for a hobby I would definitely do it. I would do it next year because the projects were really fun and not that hard.

Set in the street

“Set in the Street” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman. The idea behind “Set in the Street” is to create a photography set in a public space that doesn’t really have anything to do with the set that is being used for the project. We were supposed to create a photography set in a public space. We used a kitchen scene to portray that. We did dogs playing poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. You can find all my pictures here.

7 days

I am thankful for food because it brings me comfort and without it i would starve and die. It  also brings me my family and friends togehter.

I’m thankful for my friend Alexandra because she makes me laugh and is caring. She also has my back and always has this contagious positive energy. We have also been through a lot but our friendship is still strong. That’s why I am thankful for her.

I am thankful for the sport volleyball because its fun and I can play with my friends. I also get to go against other teams in games and get medals like this one. Because I am very competitive I love volleyball because I can smack the ball hard and its also a sport I am very good at it.

I am very thankful for my family because they provide me with everything I need daily. They also love me even though I can be a pain sometimes. We also travel together visiting differentplaces. Because of them I have had new life experiences and have a home to go to everydayandnot everyone has that.

I am also thankful for ice cream. My favorite place to get ice cream from is Brusters because its the closest ice cream shop, its homemade and it has so many options. I also like how i can go their with my friends and family and its not even that expensive. My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. My favorite hand trick also involves ice cream and is a good way to get closer to friends.

I am also thankful for all of my friends because I wouldnt have been able to survive middle school without them. They make me laugh when Im upset and even give me a reason to like coming to school. They are the people I can talk to and the people I sit with at lunch.

I am also thankful I got to go to California with my two friends. I got to see the Hollywood sign and miss school for a week. I also got to do acting and modeling and get closer with my friends since they live kinda far from me. Im thankful that I even got to go with my aunt and get closer with her and that  I got to experience riding on a plane for a second time.

Catch The Action

In this project we had to capture some type of motion in our picture. I held the camera button on the iPhone so it took multiple pictures and I could capture every moment of the action. Tips i have for someone trying to take action pictures is to get good angles and make sure you have some type of method to get multiple photos of every moment like I did with the iPhone. I would take pictures of the sport volleyball because there is so much intense movement and its my favorite sport. Find more of my pictures here.


What was difficult was getting people to take pictures and sometimes approaching them. The changes I saw was their expression on their face and a change in mood. Being  bias could affect a photographer because they might not be comfortable with how the person looks so they could miss out on some pictures that would’ve been good. Questions you could ask your client is what makes them feel better or more comfortable taking pictures or if they want to do a pose. You can find the rest of my pictures here.

Rule of thirds

What worked is having access to a phone that had the grid lines there, so my picture could be more lined up. What didn’t work is making sure there was a good scenery and that it was also in line or went with the rule of thirds. My thoughts of rule of thirds changed from the beginning because now I know that it is to match up with the grid lines.  There was two lines going horizontal and two lines going vertical I centered the picture to fit in with those lines. You can find the rest of my pictures here

Light Graffiti

I took my pictures by putting the camera to manual and the shutter speed to 15 seconds. We had to use our phone light to make the images. What worked is having multiple lights what didn’t work was trying to different things with the light sometimes because it would be harder to do sharper lines because the light follows every movement so there would be a dragged line. That was also a frustration because when we move after finishing the image we want there are extra lines from when we moved. If we were to take this to the next level we would probably need more shutter speed time and more people so we can have more details to the scene.You can find more of my pictures here.

Portraits with a black background

We tried different angles and poses and even used our phone flashlight so we wouldn’t get a shadow. What worked is using our own to cover some of the light so there it wasn’t so bright. The light would be so bright and before we figured out that trick the pictures turned out orange so we had to restart. Find the rest of my pictures here

Portraits with an Infinite Background

We tried different angles of the lighting and different poses in the process of taking photos. In editing I tried different hue saturation and tried to pop colors out , drain colors, or tried black and white. What worked is different poses and changing the colors in editing. What didn’t work is the regular black and white so I had to turn it up.  If you want to see the rest of my photos, click here.