
What was difficult was getting people to take pictures and sometimes approaching them. The changes I saw was their expression on their face and a change in mood. BeingĀ  bias could affect a photographer because they might not be comfortable with how the person looks so they could miss out on some pictures that would’ve been good. Questions you could ask your client is what makes them feel better or more comfortable taking pictures or if they want to do a pose. You can find the rest of my pictures here.

Rule of thirds

What worked is having access to a phone that had the grid lines there, so my picture could be more lined up. What didn’t work is making sure there was a good scenery and that it was also in line or went with the rule of thirds. My thoughts of rule of thirds changed from the beginning because now I know that it is to match up with the grid lines.  There was two lines going horizontal and two lines going vertical I centered the picture to fit in with those lines. You can find the rest of my pictures here

Light Graffiti

I took my pictures by putting the camera to manual and the shutter speed to 15 seconds. We had to use our phone light to make the images. What worked is having multiple lights what didn’t work was trying to different things with the light sometimes because it would be harder to do sharper lines because the light follows every movement so there would be a dragged line. That was also a frustration because when we move after finishing the image we want there are extra lines from when we moved. If we were to take this to the next level we would probably need more shutter speed time and more people so we can have more details to the scene.You can find more of my pictures here.