Getting Close

In this project, we had to take photos of normal things, but we had to be much closer than normal. Most photos worked. For example, if you were kinda close to something that you wanted to take a photo of, you could zoom in on that object and then take a macro of it. This would make the photo less blurry when taking it. But most of mine and other challenges were that a lot of the photos were not clear and very blurry. If I could take a photo of anything, it would be some kind of creature, from a very close perspective. You can find the rest of my photo’s here.

7 days Project

This is my little brother named Shane. Me and him had to go to Lows with my dad. While there we started messing around. In this picture, you can see him wearing 3 Lows hats that he picked up.
This is from when me and my cousin we messing around after dinner and he got a ton of ice cream so I decided to just leave a toy Cleveland Browns toy in the ice cream cup. This made me start die laughing, it was so funny.
This is my Christmas tree. We just put it up last week. I can’t wait for this years Christmas. This year i’m goinmg to see all my cousins on a trip.
Over the break I had one swim practice. This is what I was mainly using the whole time.
 I’ve had the same ones for a while now.
This is my fireplace in my house. We just hung up our stockings for Christmas. 
My family has had the stockings and fireplace for a long while now and it’s so nice to sit around it in the winter.
This is my bed. I love my bed. Sleeping is sometimes my favorite part of the day. Or if I’m feeling tired I can just go and take a long nice nap.
Lastly, This is my watch. I love this watch. It lets me know how much meters I swam that practice and how long I swam for..