Lego Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of Legos and the picture had to have a story behind it. along with the picture having a story behind it, everything in the picture had to be proportional to the Lego so it looked like the Lego was almost life size. it was hard for me to find things that were proportional to the Lego rather than Lego blocks. in this project, we used similar techniques from the macro project where we had to get really close to objects to sort of magnify it. If I got the chance to take more photos, I would take photos of the Legos in the ocean and get a go pro and take a photo under water. I would also like to take photos of the Legos on motorcycles, falling of of something, snowing, and skating.

wrong turn.
they see me rollin’, they hatin’
nice day for a swim

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