Action Photos

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in this assignment, we were told to take a picture of someone while in action. The picture could not look like it could be framed and it could not be blurry. It was hard for me to capture the right moment and for it to not be blurry at the same time. it was easy for me to do the stacking of the photos, for me it didn’t take that long for me to understand how to do everything in Photoshop. For me, it helped to put the camera in a setting where it could take photos at a high speed. this helped capture the moment and also have your subject not be blurry. The setting is called sports mode which can be found in almost all cameras. If you are trying to take action photos and your subject is jumping, it is best to put your camera/ device on the ground so that it looks like your subject is jumping much higher than they actually are. I would love to take pictures of people doing gymnastics or skateboarding, i feel like the picture would end up very unique and interesting.

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