Framing Your Subject

In this project, we used creative frames to make our subjects stand out in the photos we took. we could use frames such as trees, windows, doors, bookshelves, etc. This relates to the rule of thirds because in the rule of thirds we put people in certain places to make the viewer look at the subject first. In this project, we put our subject in creatively placed frames so that the viewer looks at the subject through the frame.

this is my favorite photo because it includes both rule of thirds and framing your subject. I am using the bookshelves to frame my subject (Sophia) which makes it framing your subject. The bookshelves seem to all be pointing at Sophia which adds a cool effect. She is also on one of the rule of thirds lines which makes it rule of thirds as well. I faced challenges when i was trying to be creative with my frame because it seemed like everything looked the same.

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