Month: September 2018

1 Object 5 Shots

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to take five pictures from different angles of an object. I found it challenging to create original angles instead of the regular angle that most people use. It was hardest to take pictures of people because people are always moving and never like how they look in pictures. This project helped me learn how to capture new angles that I wouldn’t have thought of before.

Click HERE for more pictures.

24 Colors

24 Colors

Click HERE to see more photos!

For this assignment, I had to take a box of 24 crayons and find objects that  blended in with the crayons for my pictures. A challenge I faced in this project was getting the crayon to stay in place with the logo of the crayon still facing the camera. It was also a challenge uploading the photos of the crayons. Although I faced I few challenges in this project I found that it was easy to find matches to the crayons. I also found it was simple to get cool angles for photo. Overall, I really enjoyed how this assignment turned out!

My Logo

My Logo

I normally get my photos off of Google. Also, if I am on a website and see an image that I need for a project will use that. I do not contact the owner of the photo because I don’t know how to find the contact info and I feel like it is not necessary. However, I always give the owner of the photo credit on my projects. As the owner I would expect that the people using my photo give me credit. Luckily, I have a logo so even if they are disrespectful and don’t give me credit people will still know that I made the image. My logo is a series of semi transparent colored boxes that are layered. In the middle of them all it says Sammy Photography in a pretty font. 
It was easy logging on to the computer but making the logo was a challenge. It was hard to find a design I liked and because it was my first time using the site I had a few problems but in the end it turned out really well.