Set in the S*T*R*E*E*T

Our photography project was inspired by a New York photographer, Justin Bettman. “Set in the street” our job was to put together a set in a random place, in our case we used the school. The set was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems. an artist who uses multiple techniques in her images such as fabrics and digital audio. Editing the photos took some to little effort. We used Photoshop, First I needed to make a big elliptical marquee, after I placed it where I wanted, select, modify and clicked feather. Final steps were select, inverse, and play with the curves to my desire. This affect made a drastic affect on the lighting in this picture. My family and I are always going to church together, usually on a late Wednesday night. A perfect place where all of us are together and look ready to take pictures. Here are the rest of my photos.

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