
I am very thankful for the family and friends I have in El Salvador, even though I have not seen them in 6 years. I love all of them and I have many memories and connections with each and every family member. 

I am very thankful for my dog Max. He always acts like a big, warm, soft baby around me! He keeps me company and is always a great listener when I need to rant about anything at all! I have had him ever since he was 8 months and now he’s 1 year old! I can’t wait for all of the other memories I will make with Max! 

I am very thankful for my Muay Thai gear! My gloves and shin pads protect me from getting hurt while sparring! I don´t know in what condition I would be in without my gear! I always have my gear with me if I´m sparring or just training! Muay Thai is basically kickboxing with more elements of striking and protecting. 

I am very thankful for food! One of my favorite food places in IN-N-OUT! California has the best burgers ever! Burgers from IN-N-OUT have a savory taste and they are always juicy! Shakes and fries are incomparable to other burger places! I am very thankful for this place and the Spread! 

I am very thankful for my baby sister Daira. As of now she is 5 months old, she is very strong, healthy, and big. I am thankful that she was brought into the world in a loving family, who can and will support her in everything and anything. I will do my very best to be a good role model and friend to my baby sister. 

I am very thankful for the experience I had in Los Angeles, California. I went to a detention center where children that have been taken away from there families are kept. These children have crossed the border into the U.S illegally with there families, have been caught by ICE, and separated from their families for no good reason. In my personal views this is inhumane and justice should be served. Therefore I went and protested in front of a detention center, where I saw a sign covered in flowers was put together for the children. 

I am very thankful for chap stick. This amazing products makes sure your lips stay nice and hydrated. I use this morning, afternoon, and night. I always have it on me! Especially in the winter time when most people have ashy, cracked, and dry lips. I have smooth, moisturized, soft lips! I definitely recommend it! 

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