Last Project…

The first semester was so fun! I enjoyed learning more about using cameras and exploring with angles, lighting, and settings. My thoughts have changed a lot about photography, I learned how to take photos and how to process every little detail taken within the shot. I have changed the...
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Getting Close

In this project we were asked to take a picture of a very small object, however this object has to take up the entire shot. I did much experimenting with the angles of my shot, in order for the small objects to take up the entire photo I needed...
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Set in the S*T*R*E*E*T

Our photography project was inspired by a New York photographer, Justin Bettman. “Set in the street” our job was to put together a set in a random place, in our case we used the school. The set was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems. an artist who uses multiple techniques in...
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Catch the action

Catching someone or something performing an action is harder than it may seem. The images blur, and sometimes by the time you take the photo the action is over! Our objective was to capture 8 photos of actions. I used my iPhone, however I had my “HDR” setting off,...
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I am very thankful for the family and friends I have in El Salvador, even though I have not seen them in 6 years. I love all of them and I have many memories and connections with each and every family member.  I am very thankful for my dog...
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smile :)

Then they smiled! At first some people seem unapproachable and angry. The most difficult part of this project was having the guts to go up to people and ask “may I take your picture?”. Overall I see some changes in facial expressions can determine so much about a persons...
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~Rule of Thirds~

The Rule of thirds is commonly known in photography. The rules include using lined grids in order to take your photos. Many things that did work included using 2 people in the photo on 2 grid lines. This allowed the photo to focus on the people and not backgrounds....
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/Black Portraits/

In this project we did something very similar to my other project “Portraits with an Infinite background”. Except we used a black background; believe it or not this changed everything about our photos. We still used light on our faces and realized later on that light could be both...
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