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Pro’s vs. Joe’s

Within this entire semester as a photographer, we have been taught different settings to use on a camera for certain types of photos. Like using Macro to take close up photos. My thoughts about this photography class has changed for the better. I used to think this would have been difficult in many different ways, but, as time went on, I started seeing how simple, well not really that simple, taking photographs can be. You just have to know what you are doing and what subject or object you are taking, whether it is a scenery or anything else. I have changed how I took photos in a way. After learning the rule of thirds method, I noticed that it makes the object stand out a bit more. Of course, I don’t use it for all of my photos, but just for some. My favorite project in this class would have to be the “Up Close” project. This was my favorite project because it didn’t really take a lot of skill, you just needed to use macro and get close enough to the point where you can see the object without it being blurry. I don’t want to be a photographer as my career, but I would continue on taking photos and learning different ways and settings. This means that I may be interested in taking photography next year as well during high school.

This photo was probably one of my favorite photo that I took.

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