Category: Uncategorized

Set in the Street

Set in the Street

“Set In The Street” took a lot of effort.  Before we put together the set we all gathered in the classroom and talked about what we needed.  Some of us brought in the materials others help get the things.  We made the walls by using wood, drywall and grey paint, I was fun because we got to put in the screws ourselfs.  Next we got The furniture from the teacher’s lounge including a couch, a chair and tables.  We also got the bookshelf and books from the lounge, and the lamp was ginin tous by Mr Leech.  The picture above the couch is taken from outside the school and out in a picture frame that was bought.  In one of the images below me and my friend Sammi are acting natural in the living space, as we would if if was real.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

For this project I used photo editor and fireworks to edit my picture.  I adjusted the contrast and the brightness to make my picture more interesting.  The landscape of these pictures are taken outside the school.  The weather worked in the this project cause I got some really nice shots of the landscape.  Sometimes the grid didn’t really work cause it was hard the intersection.

This is vsco. .  This app is a social media base that most people use to edit there pictures and add filters.  This is my favorite app because i like using the filter and making my pictures look better. 

My Logo

My Logo

 This is my logo.  I used different shades of blue to create my logo.  Having a logo is very important because then no one can steal credit for your artwork.