Last Post Quinn Hilbert

This semester was so much fun, I learned so much about photography. This class really help me learn how to take good photos using different techniques. My thoughts on photography didn’t change, I was always interested in photography. But this help me grow as a photographer. I did change the way I take my photos, I think my photos skills have improved over the semester. My favorite project was Light graffiti because I though it was very cool. Also, I think it looks very interesting and you can make your own designs and patterns. Photography interests me as a career. I will continue learning photography in High School, because I really enjoy it and I ‘m interested in it and I want to keep growing as a photographer. In the end, I think photography is a very cool and a good skill to have. Below is my favorite post of this semester.


Up Close

For this project we had to take a least 10 photos of living and not living things; up close. The thing that work well for this project was using VSCO , this made it easy to get a close up photo of a object/person, without it being fuzzy. I did try something new and that was using the app VSCO. The challenges I had were finding objects to take close up photos. Also it was hard taking a photo of someone eyes because of blinking and the camera not focusing . If I had the ability to take a good close up photo, I would want to take a photo of a butterfly or dragon fly, up close. If you would like to see the rest of my close up photos click HERE.