Quinn’s Set In the Street

For this project, We had to use the table set and take 4 photos black and white photos. These photos should have different emotions and feelings. Also we had to take a photo of the full set in color. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman and  Carrie Mae Weems.  This two amazing people had the idea of making a story with a really cool backgrounds. They took a series of photos are these created a story line. To edit my photos I used Photoshop. In Photoshop I made my photos black and white.  Then I change the contrast and lighting.  Next, I used the elliptical tool and made a oval under the light. Then I clicked Modify. Then Clicked feather and put it in the number 200. Then I click inverse and it highlighted the top part. Then I played around with the lighting and color. In did this to all of my pictures below. We did this to make it look like we where in a real room. This made It darker above the light and so the light only shinned below. This gave it a cool effect that we were in a real dinning room. If I had to chose a place to tell my family’s story it would be in a park. You would see my brothers and I fighting, then my mom and dad yelling at us, Eating food and playing games. Also, the sun would be shinning with a bright blue sky with some clouds. 

Sad and alone 
Happy Dinner
Fighting Dinner
Dating Dinner 

Quinn’s Action

For this project, we had to take 8 to 10 photos of people or things in action. The people can be jumping, running, kicking, etc and  you have to take a photo of them when they are in the middle of doing that action. Or, you can get a picture of a object dropping in the air.  The thing that help me get good images was counting down from 3. So, when I said 1 the person would do their action or they will drop the object.  This help me to know when to take the photo.  My tips if you want to take action photos I would count down, and make sure the camera still as you take the photo. The actions I would have done if I could would be skateboarding, kicking a ball, fencing and swimming.  If you want to see the rest of my photos click here. 

Quinn’s 7 Days

For this project we had to take 7 photos of things or people we are thankful for. The first photo I took was of my dog. I’m thankful for my dog because he makes me happy and helps me when i’m stress. The second photo is part of my family. I’m thankful for them because they help and support me for everything that I do. The third photo is of my friend, i’m thankful for her because she always makes me laugh and smile. The forth photo is of my ukulele, I’m thankful of it because it helps me get out stress and if I had a hard day I would just play some tunes. The fifth photo is of my phone. I’m thankful for my phone because that’s how I Face time and text my friends and family.  The sixth photo is of New York City. I’m thankful for New York City because that’s where my aunt lives and I love seeing her. New York City is like my second home. Lastly I’m thankful for my brothers. I’m thankful for them because sometimes we hang out when we aren’t fighting with each other. If you want to see my photos there down below.